Brianne's Supervision Style
There are so many supervisors out there. Why choose me? I have been a clinical supervisor since 2015. I became a supervisor not because it was the next thing to do as a professional, but because I believe that the work associates do is important and I wanted to help them on the journey. I still stand by that and regularly consult with my consultation group as well as daily follow supervisory forums about practice and support for associates. I also take more training than required to continue my supervisory education and follow board updates.
My approach to supervision is contingent upon the relationship and helping supervisees with the growths and challenges of further developing their momentum in the helping field. This includes training, marketing as a therapist, difficult clients, counter-transference, and a shared approach to working with clients. The work I do with associates is a priority and I always approach it with respect, along with gentle, loving humor. Supervisees can expect to prepare for supervision with case experientials and anticipate resources, exercises, and ethical case discussion in return. I am looking for associates who are motivated, excited to learn, ethical, organized, have a developed sense of self, and are open to collaboration and feedback. All supervision is done virtually for licensees in the state of Texas and meets primarily during the weekday evenings. I have a strong relationship with St. Edward's University and serve as a practicum site supervisor for the Girl Scouts Beyond Bars Program. I also have familiarity with Texas State University, Lamar University, Northcentral University and the Seminary of the Southwest Counseling programs.
Currently, individual supervision sessions take place on the 1st and 3rd weeks of the month. Group occurs on the 4th week of each month, with potential triadic supervision on the 2nd Tuesday of the month in order to remain in ratio with individual/group hours. Many associates ask about seeing clients under my practice. Although Austin Women's Counseling cannot serve as a primary site at this time, I am happy to make appropriate referrals to current associates. Having worked in the Austin mental health community for over 15 years, I can also help current supervisees and those already under supervision contract with me in finding appropriate sites to obtain the majority of their clinical hours.
Associates are welcomed to own their own practices under supervision after first exploring appropriate training, business planning, and logistics to ensure both their success and that licensing standards are met.
Supervision fees are $380 ($400 for dual licenses) paid upfront monthly for a guaranteed minimum of 4 hours of direct supervision. This is in exchange for expertise, licensure, extended business hours, marketing and business assistance, short-term crisis assistance, as well as training techniques. When possible, triadic and group supervision may allow for more time and be included in this compensation up to 6 hours monthly, but is not guaranteed. Check ins and crisis management are also included in this fee. Additional individual supervision may be requested for a fee of $80 per one-hour session. Prior to the beginning of supervision, we will decide together what date(s) the fee will be paid.
Next Steps
If you think we could be a good fit and would like to explore working together, please email me and include a letter or indication of interest including what you would like in a potential supervisory relationship, resumé, and 3 references. I offer free 30 min initial meetings to potential supervisees as well as the opportunity to candidly connect privately with current supervisees for those interested in moving forward. If we decide to move forward with signing paperwork to enter into a supervisory relationship with the board, a $100 documentation fee is required. This fee will be credited after 6 months to the associate's account.